The rent increase rate, calculated according to the 12-month average of the CPI, was 70.20 percent, according to the data announced by TUIK today.

Rent increase rate has been announced
The rent increase rate, calculated according to the 12-month average of the CPI, was 70.20 percent, according to the data announced by TUIK today.
April 4, 2023 - 15:36 Views: 779 Share
The rent increase rate, calculated according to the 12-month average of the CPI announced by the Turkish Statistical Institute, became 70.20 percent with the announcement of the March inflation.
According to the news quoted by Habertürk, the rate, which peaked at 72.45 in January, dropped to 71.83 in February.
The highest rate of increase will be applied as 70.20 percent in the increases to be made this month for workplaces.
The 25 percent ceiling application introduced in June 2022 to prevent exorbitant price increases in housing rents will continue until July.
If a new application is not implemented, the rate of increase in housing will be calculated according to the 12-month average of the CPI as of July.
İnfo: Emlakjet